Anime: Boku no Hero Academia
I just finish this anime. This anime was recommend by one of my friend. He was always telling me that I should watch this because it's good and fun to watch. But he kept on telling me all of these story about this anime. So one day I was just scrolling down for new anime to watch. When I remember that my friend told me to watch My Hero Academia. So one day I was bored one day in photography class and I decide to watch it. But by the end of the first episode I really didn't like it so I told my friends about it. Then they told me that I shouldn't stop watching it because it gets better so I listen to them and continue to watch. Then what they told me was true that if I continue to watch it then it gets better. But it was a good choice that I listen to them. But i'll tell this right now that I don't regret watching this anime because it was actually a good one. But then to anyone that's reading this I will recommend this anime to anyone. If you like any kind of actions anime then this one will be a good one. But hen the good thing is that the third season will come out in April 2018. Well that's what my friends have told me.
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