
Anime: Hunter X Hunter

So for the past few weeks I've been watching this anime Hunter X Hunter. But you guys might say didn't you already watch it. The hing is that i did already watch. I've been thinking about watching it lately. But the reason I started again was because my friend was watching it. When he was watching it I couldn't stop talking about the things that happened. But every time I talked about her wanted to know what was going on. Then when he was talking to me about it I kinda forgot some of the parts. Then that's when I told him that I was going to start watching it. Then I was started watching it and I was getting ahead of him. When I was talking to him about it he was always telling me that he was going to block me. Every time I was ahead of him I was always him telling the things about the anime. Then he was always telling me that he was going to block me from his life. Then sometimes I'll send him some pictures about the anime. Then we will ask about who is that

Dragon Ball Super: Episode 125 With Imposing Presence! God of Destruction Toppo Descends!!

In this episode Android 17 was fighting Toppo. But when Toppo was fighting Android 17 he he was going to knock him out with one of his energy blast. But that was when Frieza came back and started to attack Toppo from behind. When Frieza was doing his attack it weaken Toppo and that's when he had to stop attacking Android 17. When he did that Toppo had stop and started focusing on Frieza. When Frieza was doing his attack he injured Toppo so bad that he could stand up anymore. When that happened Toppo decided to stop being nice and try to unleashed his full power. He didn't want to unleashed his power because he thought that it is evil to do that. Because he always always believe in justice that his power was only for evil people. When he unleashed it his partner notice it and said, "You finally decide to use it for once." When that happened he knock out Frieza cold with one punch. With that he had Android 17 all worried about how he was going to defeat him.(12) When

Video Games: Fortnite Sniper Shootout

For this week Fortnite has released a new game mode. This new game mode is called Sniper Shootout. My friends have been telling me about this new game mode for the past few days. But I wasn't able to play because I wasn't allowed to get on.They kept on teasing me about this because I wasn't able to play. But they didn't know that I was able to play on Tuesday. But I feel like the day that I got on it was a bad because I wasn't able to play with my friends. We tried to play for 1 or 2 hours but it didn't let us. So I just ended up playing by myself because I wasn't able to play with my friends. But I play the new game mode and it wasn't so bad. But I only played like 5 or 6 matches. I only played a few game because I started to play another game with my friends. But when I was playing Sniper Shootout it was kinda hard. Because am really not that good with Bolt Snipers. But the good part was that they had semi-automatic sniper rifle which I was pretty g

Anime: Boku no Hero Academia

I just finish this anime. This anime was recommend by one of my friend. He was always telling me that I should watch this because it's good and fun to watch. But he kept on telling me all of these story about this anime. So one day I was just scrolling down for new anime to watch. When I remember that my friend told me to watch My Hero Academia. So one day I was bored one day in photography class and I decide to watch it. But by the end of the first episode I really didn't like it so I told my friends about it. Then they told me that I shouldn't stop watching it because it gets better so I listen to them and continue to watch. Then what they told me was true that if I continue to watch it then it gets better. But it was a good choice that I listen to them. But i'll tell this right now that I don't regret watching this anime because it was actually a good one. But then to anyone that's reading this I will recommend this anime to anyone. If you like any kind of

Dragon Ball Super: Episode 124 The Fiercely Overwhelming Assault! Gohan's Last Stand!!

In the latest episode of Dragon Ball Super Frieza in a middle of a fight with Dyspo. When Frieza was fighting Dyspo, Frieza never took the fight serious. Dyspo was taking so serious that he almost took Frieza out of the ring. But once, Frieza was taking it serious he needed some help from his teammates. The one that came to help him was Gohan. Son of Goku. At this point it was a 2 vs. 1 fight. Gohan and Frieza vs. Dyspo. When they were fighting Dyspo they didn't know how to defeat him because he was too fast. Gohan and Frieza weren't able to hit Dyspo because of his incredibly too fast for them. While they were fighting Gohan was trying to think for a plan to defeat Dyspo. While he was thinking he thought of a idea to defeat Dyspo. Gohan's plan was that Frieza was going to trap Gohan and Dyspo in box of beaming Ki. When Gohan and Dyspo were trap, Gohan's goal was to beat him up close because Dyspo doesn't have good up close combat skills. While they were fighting Fr

Video Game: Fortnite Update

For the past week Epic Games have been dropping hints about new places in the map. If you don't know am talking about well am talking about Fortnite. Fortnite is a one if the biggest game right now. So Epic Games have been dropping hints about a new map for Fortnite. This whole weekend Epic games have been dropping some picture of new places. But Epic Games has been dropping l ittle picture of new places. But in those pictures they really didn't show us any details about where that place was going to be at. Over the weekend Epic Games drop some big pictures about the new places and their location. Slowly Epic Games better pictures that showed us the new location. The thing is that Epic Games wanted to do this for a while because in the original map the left side look kinda empty. But in the right side there was 9 big town to go too. But with the new update the left side will be getting a major update. In this update their will be more cities in it. So in the left

Dragon Ball Super: Episode 120 The Perfect Survival Tactic! Universe 3's Menacing Assassin!!

In the latest episode of dragon ball super a lot of things happened. This the new est episode we learn that their will be a character in the tournament of power. But the thing is that the new character is a fusion of four other characters. The character that fused were Paparoni, Bollarator, Koitsukai, Panchia. When they fused they created a new character called Aniraza. Ten in this episode nothing exciting happened. The only that happened is that universe 3 decide to go and attack universe 7. When universe 3 decide to attack they went after Goku. They started to attack Goku because he is the strongest fighter but at the sametime he was weak at the time because he didn't really have full stamina yet. But the thing that they didn't know was that Goku has a son and friends who came to help out. Now that I remember the best thing that happened in this episode was when Goku, Vegeta and Gohan decide to team up and fight against universe 3. But when universe 7 started to attack back