Scholarship Essay

I believe that schools should not keeps tabs on students social media. But if schools keep tabs on students social media then they might find more things about other things they weren't looking for. Then you never know if the schools might be only using it for bullying prevention they could be using it for others things as well. Then if schools were to keep tabs on students then the school will start losing students in school. Schools will lose students because they will know the things the students do. Then when students are not allowed to go to schools then they will not be able to apply to any school. Then with that the students will not have the chance to become something in life. That would increase the amount of homeless people because people won't want to hire people who could finish school. Then bad things will just keep on happening to the kids. I feel like there should not be any kind of rules or regulation for the president Trump from tweeting. I say this because if you do set some kind of rules or regulation I feel like you are taking some part of his freedom of speech. Then if you take a little bit of his freedom of speech then people might be saying things about ho they took a little bit of Trump's freedom of Speech. But at the same time I feel like they set some kind of rule or regulation about his amount of tweeting. But at the same time I feel like trump shouldn't be tweeting bad things about other people and put them down.


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